February 08, 2011

Two weeks left

I know my blog has been quite quiet recently and I apologise for the lack of posts but honestly I just haven't really had the time to sit in front of my laptop, process some photos, upload them and write something about it. Instead I've been using my tumblr a lot more since it's just posting up single pictures that doesn't require much else and even that doesn't get updated as much as I would like.

With less than two weeks left in Japan I've been spending a lot of time out with friends here which I will miss dearly when I come back home, I also had my 5000 word research project due not too long ago that took up a few nights. I still have Japanese classes here as well so not much time for blogging and with less than two weeks left I think it's a good thing I'm enjoying the rest of my time here and not sitting in front of my laptop.

I've still been taking photos of things here and there but I just haven't had the time to go through them all, instead I've been packing things to send home. I've gotten most of the stuff gone except for one last box which I'm still waiting for things to arrive from yahoo auctions before sending it home. I've pretty much organised what is going in my luggage so the rest will just go in that box which will go home via a container. So hopefully by Friday or the latest next Monday I'll be living on bare essentials and most of my things will be on it's way home.

Besides getting ready to go home I've been hanging out with friends a lot, having dinner together, we had our last big night in Nagoya a couple of weekends ago, lots of drinking especially over the recent weekend. I've also got one last trip to Takayama this weekend coming up, which is great because Takayama was the first place I travelled to when I first got here, so it's nice to see the circle finally completed. I have some friends coming to Japan so I'll be going to see them in Osaka a couple of days before I leave too, so busy busy busy!

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